Tuesday, June 14, 2011

::Venezuela Electricity Consumption Limit>>

Go Finance Reporting in Caracas - Venezuela, one of the leading oil producer in the world, trying to limit the power consumption as the power to meet domestic demand.

The Venezuelan government said, which is the largest electricity consumers in shopping malls, factories, office buildings and even some houses, had to cut their energy use 10 percent compared to the average monthly usage.

Venezuelan Vice President Elias Jaua and Minister of Energy and Electricity Ali Rodriguez said that homes that have reduced their energy use exceeds 10 percent would receive a sharp discount on their utility bills, which are subsidized.

The move follows a series of blackouts that occurred last weekend, and came after Venezuela impose electricity rationing power control on a monthly basis in 2010.

Quoted by AFP on Tuesday (06/14/20110, exclusion restrictions of this electricity to the hospital, the operation of oil and associated gas, city cleaning service, air traffic control, schools, and embassies. The offices of government should set an example in the use of energy.

"These are the steps for proper use of electrical energy and the rational which aims to keep supply and safe," said Jaua.

Last year, Venezuela's government blames drought due to the power crisis, where nearly 70 percent of the country's electricity comes from the Guri hydroelectric plant in southern Venezuela.

However, energy experts say, the state utility system requires an investment of $ 20 billion dollars over the next four years to meet demand. Venezuela itself nationalized the national electric power utility in 2007. (GoFinance)

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