Tuesday, June 7, 2011

::Rupiah Appreciation Against the U.S. Dollar Stronger>>

Go Finance Reporting in JAKARTA - The Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) noted, the strengthening of the rupiah against the U.S. dollar is the highest exchange rate compared to other countries.

LIPI noted strengthening occurred since 2008 to April 2011. "The strengthening of the rupiah from 2008 until April 2011 high compared to most other currencies. Rupiah has appreciated 28 percent, Korea 22 percent, Malaysia 17 percent, Singapore 16 percent, Philippines 10 percent, while China 4 percent, "said economist Adam Latif LIPI in Jakarta, Tuesday (06/07/2011).

He explained, the driving factor strengthening the rupiah exchange rate mainly because of the rapid flow of incoming foreign capital (capital inflow) to Indonesia. The high interest rate (BI Rate) in Indonesia than other countries, becoming one stimulus influx of foreign capital flows.

Another factor is that there is an indication that the government and business circles are very aggressive bond issue. In addition, the strengthening of the rupiah caused by low interest rate policy in the U.S..

The increase in assessed value of the rupiah will benefit the government budget, especially for debt and budget subsidies. The calculations, each gained 100 rupiah per USD then it could save approximately Rp400 billion in the state budget.

"In his state budget is debt that uses the USD, and fuel subsidies it is imported from outside, if the rupiah strengthened the existing subsidy budget also can be saved," he explained. (GoFinance)

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