Thursday, December 16, 2010

::U.S. Stock Decline Drastically, Black Gold USD88/Barel Survive>>

Go Finance Report - World oil prices persist at the level of USD88 per barrel with decreased slightly by 14 cents in trading in Asia this afternoon. This happens after the United States Department of Energy (USA) officially announced that U.S. oil stocks suffered the biggest decline since 2002 in the amount of 9.9 million barrels last week.

Whereas before, McGraw Hill Cos. energy analyst estimates decline in U.S. oil stockpiles are only about three million barrels.

As quoted by the Associated Press (AP), Thursday (12/16/2010), the price of black gold in the trade the New York Mercantile Exchange (Nymex) this afternoon when Asia fell 14 cents to USD88, 48 per barrel compared to the previous position which amounted to USD88 , 62 per barrel.

With the official announcement today's U.S. oil stocks, commodities traders are looking at other economic indicators such as housing problems and unemployment to see the possibility of demand and economic recovery.

In other Nymex trading in the contract of January, heating oil rose 0.2 cents to $ 2, 49 per gallon, gasoline futures added 0.4 cents to $ 2, 31 per gallon and natural gas gets 0.9 cents to $ 4, 23 per 1,000 feet cubic. In line with the New York Mercantile Exchange, in London, Brent crude also fell 19 cents to USD91, 96 per barrel on the ICE Futures exchange. (GoFinance)

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